Page name: Giffie-Pet Staff [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-04-21 13:53:38
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Bookwyrm
# of watchers: 22
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Here are the talented and trained staff who dedicate their time to taking care of pets,
answering questions not covered on owning a giffie-pet, genetically engineering new pets
and even sometimes find themselves cleaning up the little "accidents" made by the pets.

Giffie-Pet Staff Board Room, for Giffie-Pet Staff members only.


(Badge Credits)

Giffie-Pet Boss
Malevolent [Stephen]: The Owner and Overseer of the Giffie Store and all related pages. He appoints new staff, retires old staff, and gives out duties to current staff to fulfill.

Giffie-Pet Staff
Mischievous [WonderTweek], a Giffie-Artist
Roaring [kittykittykitty], the Giffie-Assistant
Mischievous [Deg], who wrote our poem (Honorary Member, don't ask her questions please)



[Anvikit] came up with the idea for the Giffie-Pets, and created many original pets.
[Big Brother] took place as head of the Pet Store once [Anvikit] retired.
[Bookwyrm] was the next person in charge, once [Big Brother] handed leadership to her.
[Stephen] took over for [Bookwyrm] when she retired.
[Bookwyrm] stole the store back from [Stephen].
[Stephen] once again took over the store, upon [Bookwyrm]'s retirement.
The Giffie Artists have created the pets.
Also, thank you to the retired Giffie-Pet Staff who have all helped in the past.

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2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: BAD angelo

2005-07-10 [Stephen]: Yes, bad.

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: i killed my comb last week...i was plucking it's teeth out of my hair for

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: AH! that sounds painfull... [Big Brother] probably has a nice shiny brand new un used comb for you :p

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: lol...look, i'm not a page watcher anymore....yay....*grumbles*

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: Start watching pages then *whips*

2005-07-10 [The Last Spartan]: why can't i be a member of the staff

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: what job would you like?

2005-07-10 [The Last Spartan]: anything

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: i am actually...but the pets are being deliverd...there are not many questions or complaints coming by other than "when will i get my pet?" which is answered quickly enough by one of the over worked deliverers...(>_<)

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: You can pick up the animal waste... but we don't have any bags or gloves or pooper scoopers. so you'll have to use your barehands...

2005-07-10 [The Last Spartan]: eww...but if it means i get a job....ill take it

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: ok... OH, but you don't get a badge. Or any credit for anything.

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: lol...right now they are talking about Trivia anyways on the pet wiki, and i was already booted from that, so i can't really add to even the comment really, i'm staring at the page, but their ain't much to watch...i'm doing as much as the other watchers...

2005-07-10 [The Last Spartan]: well then.....thats not very nice

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: lol...right now they are talking about Trivia anyways on the pet wiki, and i was already booted from that, so i can't really add to even the comment really, i'm staring at the page, but their ain't much to watch...i'm doing as much as the other watchers...i mean, come on! i was the FIRST PAGE MONITOR THIS WIKI HAD!!! *whines*

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: Sorry (kinda) spartan. but we don't need help. if we do... we will recruit someone. probably not you... but someone...

2005-07-10 [The Last Spartan]: *grumbles and leaves the room*

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: *gives raindrop a cookie* do page monitors just like... see if people order a pet and already have one? and stuff like that?

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: *pouts* humph

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: GAH! We are at war with Canada! The canadians keep strikeing at Turt *loads gun*

2005-07-10 [Big Brother]: dang strait!!!!

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: damn canada...america's backyard is getting fighsty!

2005-07-10 [Big Brother]: backyard??

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: Americas red headed step child?

2005-07-10 [Charybdis]: Umm.. O_o

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: XD

2005-07-10 [The Last Spartan]: so are you battling canada all by yourself

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: i thought you left? It's america Vs canada Round one! Fight! *haduken*

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: i'm not taking them on...they have all those powers, because they have good beer

2005-07-10 [The Last Spartan]: no i just went around the corner....then i heard the sound of guns

2005-07-10 [Big Brother]: GO CANADIAN BEER!!!

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: *sonic Boom*

2005-07-10 [The Last Spartan]: where did the boom come from

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: AH! *kills you* Do you know what street fighter is?! *aims 12 gauge at your head*

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: i miss my comb...*tears*

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: aw... it's ok... i don't know were you live... but if i did id send you one... hm... *flys over america dropping combs all over*

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: XD

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: That's right, no combs for canada because you are all BALD!

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: BALD! that's an awesome word!

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: BALD BALD




2005-07-10 [The Last Spartan]: i know what street fighter is....*hits the deck*

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: then you should know what i meen by sonic boom!

2005-07-10 [The Last Spartan]: well i do now that i know what it is that your talking about

2005-07-10 [MarieFair]: hey wow, my dividers are being used here...^^

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: Yeah... remember, you made em before i worked here. when it was just [Anvikit]. Your mood was al like "Thankies [Anvikit] *huggles*"

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: hehehe...he said bald....*giggles*

2005-07-10 [MarieFair]:, that was a long time ago.

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: okay, so i'm a little slow....*huffs up* so sue me! *pouts*

2005-07-12 [Alexandra the Great]: hey hun you going to add me? just curious

2005-07-12 [Stephen]: I can't. Only Jon can add staff. I can correct things, and make them look neater, but I cannot add staff

2005-07-12 [Alexandra the Great]: oh ok thats fine... understandable...

2005-07-12 [Stephen]: I'm not the boss here after all ;)

2005-07-12 [Big Brother]: he learns!!!

2005-07-12 [PyroBuggy]: *gasp* what did she do?

2005-07-12 [Big Brother]: she? i'm talkin bout stephen

2005-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: Penis?

2005-07-12 [Dwemer]: Who?

2005-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: you?

2005-07-12 [Dwemer]: Nope. you?

2005-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: nope

2005-07-12 [Stephen]: Alex made the three newest things in the storehouse.

2005-07-12 [Dwemer]: eh [Stephen] that trainee deliver thing. I think I know how to deliver now eh ? ;)

2005-07-12 [Stephen]: Yes, but do you know how to make a comment only once?

2005-07-12 [Dwemer]: What do you mean ? (joke, my mistake ^_-)

2005-07-12 [Stephen]: Hahaha, seems you do. Okay, I am removing the Trainee from Dwemer

2005-07-12 [Stephen]: Done, you are now an official Deliver

2005-07-12 [Dwemer]: Wait wait! Didn't Jon said something about us not touching this page ? Or am I now mistaken?

2005-07-12 [Dwemer]: Yippee ;) Thank you!

2005-07-12 [Stephen]: I am not allowed to add staff members. I think I can remove the trainee.

2005-07-12 [Dwemer]: *pweh* Good job you ;) *yawns* Any work here? btw, i've got a new project, if you're interested PM me. :)

2005-07-12 [Stephen]: There is never a whole lot to do here. I should do the pound deliveries soon though.

2005-07-13 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: do i get my giffie pet when i am on the wating list (i alredi orderd)

2005-07-13 [Dwemer]: *sigh*

2005-07-13 [PyroBuggy]: you have to wait for the store to fill up and then angelo and dwemer will take a rediculous amount of time delivering them...

2005-07-13 [Dwemer]: Hmm, *shakes head* I delivered them all previous time.

2005-07-13 [Stephen]: Of course you did. I have dial-up, so it takes me forever, and I have been deleting images from members like mad now, so I have no freetime. Delivery is something that one does in their freetime. I ran out of freetime, [Big Brother] is just, if not more, busy then I, and [Ihsahn] ... I'm not sure :S

2005-07-13 [Ihsahn]: [Ihsahn] is filling out paper work to leave for the military

2005-07-13 [Stephen]: Ah, I see. Okay

2005-07-13 [Ihsahn]: If things go the way the sgt wants it to go I will be leaving on the 30th

2005-07-13 [Stephen]: ...Good Luck my friend. Be safe.

2005-07-13 [Ihsahn]: I shall

2005-07-13 [Dwemer]: Let the tiger walk with you ;) Walk in virue :)

2005-07-14 [PyroBuggy]: So are you leaveing (again) angelo?

2005-07-14 [PyroBuggy]: hm... i geuss so... have fun... maybe it'll be like last time and i'll see you in a couple dyas as angelo again XD

2005-07-14 [Dwemer]: [Ihsahn] is leaving.

2005-07-14 [Ihsahn]: I am not

2005-07-14 [Dwemer]: *looks confused* ok...

2005-07-14 [PyroBuggy]: i thought you were gonna go kill people...

2005-07-14 [Dwemer]: A soldiers primary function isn't just to slaughter people...

2005-07-14 [PyroBuggy]: Oh come on... yes it is. <<;

2005-07-14 [Dwemer]: No it isn't. And probably his target now will be peace keeping.

2005-07-14 [PyroBuggy]: Keeping peace by killing people? *hasn't bean serious*

2005-07-14 [Dwemer]: ? I say let's ask [Ihsahn].

2005-07-14 [Ihsahn]: my goal is to protect

2005-07-14 [PyroBuggy]: I know... like i said i wasn't serious. *gives him a cookie*

2005-07-15 [PyroBuggy]: *dies* ANVIKIT SIGHND ON! *explodes*

2005-07-16 [RabidSphinx]: lol

2005-07-19 [Charybdis]: Um... <_< Is there any chance I could get credit for my ferret and dolphin...? I know I'm not staff, but I did make them :)

2005-07-19 [PyroBuggy]: I thought you were. i gave you credit ^^

2005-07-19 [Tear]: That is one way to do it, lol.

2005-07-19 [Charybdis]: Lol! thanks ^^

2005-07-21 [tabcmonkey]: who do u adobt

2005-07-21 [PyroBuggy]: Why are you asking that here?

2005-07-29 [Dwemer]: El update systems ;)

2005-08-03 [spiritee]: coolness, isn't Tear restocking, too?

2005-08-03 [Tear]: Yeah, hold on, I'll put myself up there.

2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: You can't! Only Jon has acces to do so!

2005-08-03 [Big Brother]: i fixed and made note of the offence.

2005-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: you all suck and i hate you...(^_^)

2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: We love you too !

2005-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: no...HATE...hate hate HATEyou...

2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: Looooooooove :) *MAKES you think of happy pink bunnies playing in a sunny field* muhahah!

2005-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: *pulls out flamethrower*

2005-08-03 [Ihsahn]: *huggles*

2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: *bunnies pull out their rocket launchers* Love hurts babe *evil grin*

2005-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: *fireblasts the bunnies, causing their rockets to all expoled before they can use them against me*....i win...bitches

2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: Damned.

2005-08-03 [FireGypsy]: *sicks her killer rabbit on [RabidSphinx]* lol!

2005-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: *stomps on the rabbit*

2005-08-03 [FireGypsy]: ahhh!!

2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: *Throws [RabidSphinx] out the window (33rd floor 0_o !!!)* So, tea anyone ?

2005-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: aww...*is dead and everyone else is all happy about it*

2005-08-03 [FireGypsy]: yes please, and make it green tea =D

2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: *makes green tea and throws boiling water out the window* Now you guess where it landed.

2005-08-03 [FireGypsy]: o_O

2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: No not there, one meter next to her ;)

2005-08-03 [FireGypsy]: lol

2005-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: x_x

2005-08-04 [Tear]: Made note of the offence? Meaning me putting my name up there as a restocker? Well, I thought since I was doing it now that i should. Oh well. Sorry/

2005-08-04 [Dwemer]: Don't worry [Tear] it happened before ;) lol

2005-08-04 [Big Brother]: well you see, that is when you ask me to do it. or wait till i do it. i like to observe for a bit and then if i think your doing fine i will add you. till then you are in "trial" so to speak

2005-08-04 [Tear]: Oh, I thought it was fine because before Pyrobuggy added Elandain to it. I didn't know that there was a trial period. My mistake.

2005-08-05 [Big Brother]: sometimes i tell someone to add a name for me ^_^

2005-08-05 [Tear]: Oh, okay then. Whatever, problem solved.

2005-08-09 [spiritee]: I'm just wondering, since so many people ask on the main store page, if we should make a wiki page just to inform people of restocks. have people the page if they want to, and make a note everytime you restock, so they'll be easily notifed. comments can be turned off?

2005-08-09 [Tear]: I am the only one restocking right now. I can't get online during the day now, as I have school, so people are going to have to wait until around 5 my time, for them to be restocked, if not later. As is, I am doing this before I go to work in an hour.

2005-08-13 [and i was a kaleidoscope]: is there any way i can join the staff?

2005-08-13 [Tear]: That is up to [Big Brother], but I sincerely doubt it.

2005-08-13 [and i was a kaleidoscope]: thanks

2005-08-13 [Tear]: Yeah, but don't ask him, otherwise you will never ever get a spot on the crew.

2005-08-13 [and i was a kaleidoscope]: then how do i if i dont ask him?

2005-08-13 [Tear]: Ummm.. you don't? Right now, [Firenze] and I have an excellent system going, with just me and her working for the most part. We don't really need more people on the staff, unless you have a priv level of 14 or lower, which you don't.

2005-08-13 [and i was a kaleidoscope]: oooh okay, thanks

2005-08-13 [Tear]: That is what I am here for.

2005-08-13 [Big Brother]: it's nice that ppl. talk for me..........don't forget we still have watchers and such.

2005-08-13 [Tear]: This is true, but no one but me and firenze do anything anyway. And I am telling him the same thing Joost told me, a long long time ago, lol. Just passing on the knowledge.

2005-08-13 [Tear]: Plus, a lot of the artists, myself, firenze, Sasha, and joost all watch the pages.

2005-08-13 [Big Brother]: i know, but what i like to do is ask what they can i did with you. they may come up with something we overlooked

2005-08-13 [Tear]: True. Okay then, you da boss-man, *steps aside* Announcing his majesty, [Big Brother], lol.

2005-08-13 [Big Brother]: lol, then when they suggest delivering pets as an excuse to get power you can shoot them down lmao ^_^

2005-08-13 [Tear]: I like to shoot down their hopes early on, though, lol. That's almost what happened with me.

2005-08-13 [Big Brother]: no, no, have it all wrong! you build up their hopes and dreams just to bring them down hard.

2005-08-13 [Big Brother]: oh and [Tear], your fired!

2005-08-13 [Tear]: OHNOES! I r teh fired! Oh well, that means the only one doing anything around the store itself will end up being Kelly, lol. I don't think she is going to like that very much :P

2005-08-13 [Big Brother]: no worries, i fired her last week....just haven't told her.......

2005-08-13 [Tear]: Lol, don't you hate it when that happens? You keep on working when no one tells you that you've been fired. Aw shucks, i guess I end up being the bearer of bad news. *goes to message her on msn*

2005-08-13 [Big Brother]: *yawns* i guess no more main staff left........well that means no more pets....

2005-08-13 [Tear]: Oh well, we can close up shop now. Or... you can, rather, as i no longer work for you, lol.

2005-08-13 [Big Brother]: naa, i'll just let ppl. wait for nothing.....more fun that way

2005-08-13 [Tear]: Lol, we should put out all of the pets, and then let people order them, and laugh when they realize they aren't going to be delivered. That would be fun.

2005-08-13 [Big Brother]: hmmm, too much work for me....and your still fired so you can't do it

2005-08-13 [Tear]: I could always do what Kelly is doing and work even though i am fired, lol, just to do it. or I could do it to piss you off.

2005-08-13 [Big Brother]: fine!!!! don't listen to me!!!

2005-08-13 [Tear]: Lol. Will do, hee hee hee.

2005-08-14 [spiritee]: O_o *reaching for the phone*

2005-08-14 [Tear]: What the hell happened to the two previous comments? i had one and so did another person. Why are you reaching for the phone?

2005-08-14 [spiritee]: nevermind~ :D what two comments?

2005-08-14 [Tear]: Someone asked if they would be on the staff, and I said. "Sorry, I can't say anything, i just got fired, lol Ask [Big Brother]" and now they are gone.

2005-08-18 [ShadowSong]: mmm. interesting... it's too bad... i loved this place.. though i may have been treated poorly here serval times.. i always came back... it was fun.. and ppl apreciated it.. even if they didn't show it..

2005-08-18 [Tear]: You are aware that we are joking, yes?

2005-08-18 [Big Brother]: joking?

2005-08-18 [Tear]: Maybe? lol, that depends, because me and Kelly are still here for some odd reason.

2005-08-18 [Big Brother]: work if you want but you are both fired and i'm not paying you anymore

2005-08-18 [spiritee]: Oh, while we're on that topic: I want a raise.

2005-08-19 [Big Brother]: a raise? how bout a 165% pay increase?

2005-08-19 [spiritee]: That would be nice, 'cept I don't seem to be getting paid at all, so 165%'s really not all that much <_<;

2005-08-19 [Big Brother]: the check is in the mail.

2005-08-19 [Tear]: WTF!?!?!? I get fired, [spiritee] gets a raise? That is screwed up!

2005-08-19 [Big Brother]: no comments from you boy! you don't work here

2005-08-19 [Tear]: *harasses* OMG! lyk 1 r teh not sposed 2 b heer!

2005-08-19 [Big Brother]: 5?

2005-08-19 [Tear]: 5? Now i am confused.

2005-08-19 [Big Brother]: well it happened twice

2005-08-19 [Tear]: 5 happens twice?

2005-08-19 [Big Brother]:'s more complicated

2005-08-19 [Tear]: I am even more confused now. Oh yeah, when do i become an official member of the giffie-pet Store anyway?

2005-08-19 [Big Brother]: i dunno, when i'm not so lazy......

2005-08-19 [Tear]: Lol, i am assuming you there the one who deleted the pictures in [hotgirl101]'s house? I could always do it myself, but that doesn't seem like the right thing to do.

2005-08-19 [Big Brother]: yup.......those are really hot pics she has up.....too bad it's probibly not her

2005-08-19 [Tear]: True, lol. I always look at the new members, for some reason, and it was funny whenh I saw those, because she said she was 15 in her profile, lol.

2005-08-20 [Big Brother]: she has more pics in her photobucket might just be her......i'm not sure anymore

2005-08-20 [Tear]: She put one of them back in her house as well.

2005-08-20 [Big Brother]: did she? i don't see it

2005-08-20 [Tear]: Now it is gone, lol. but yeah, she does have other pictures in her photobucket account... that might actually be her.

2005-08-20 [Big Brother]: ya, and if so she looks like a slut...

2005-08-20 [Tear]: Imagine what she will end up like when she is in her twenties, lol. SUPER SLUT!

2005-08-20 [Big Brother]: O.o does she live near me?

2005-08-20 [Tear]: I don't think so. *checks her house* WAIT!!! PEDOPHILE!!!!

2005-08-20 [Big Brother]: dude, when she is in her twenties it wouldn't matter

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